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April, Progress, Films and Life In General

 Hi,  I thought I'd try to inject a bit more of me into the blog... I mean that's sort of what this is about, or so I'm told. While I've really enjoyed creating Scion characters and rediscovering old D&D characters for the blog, I'm conscious that I'm not really maximising the potential of this thing. So, life update!  Dun, dun, durrrr!!!!  I... had a couple of dates (yes, I'm as surprised as you are!) which was lovely. In the end I decided there wasn't enough there to keep seeing the person involved and too many pale pink flags - as it were - but it was lovely and the kissing (yes we did that) was amazing. (Kissing always is).   I feel as if its a bit of a testimony to how far I've come in therapy because I didn't really feel the need to keep seeing her and could identify the problematic areas and decide not to stay with her for the sake of making her happy. I'm sure she'd make a great partner for someone else, but it wouldn't ha

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