New Adventures

 So, I have some changes coming up in the next few weeks. I'm relocating from the Midlands to the south coast of England - Bournemouth to be specific. (That's the English one, though I don't know if there are other Bournemouths, it seems a bit unlikely but who know? This is a strange planet we live on). 

This means I'll be starting a new job (and I want to assure you that my opinions are mine not theirs's), and finding a new place to live (which I'm currently searching for), as well as looking to make new friends and meet new people. I'll also be turning my focus on development and trying to work out certain things that I don't want to talk about yet, but which might have mean I undertake some profound changes. I'm hoping to keep this blogging stuff up, and make it part of my daily practice - though it might become more of a journal and less of me ranting at the world. That is mostly because I hope to start making steps to doing things about what enrages me, starting to fight for the planet, for justice, and to make my stand. At the very least, I plan to join the Green Party, and to start being more proactive about modern slavery.

Having written that, I don't want to overstretch myself - it's way too easy to commit to too much and end up feeling exhausted. (Energy is important to me, and I like not feeling shattered because I've overstretched myself). And the writing is something I must get back to doing a lot of, because it is my passion (and culturally we seem to have flipped from "doing what you love is a bad idea and you should have a steady job that is dull and pays the bills" to "follow your passion,  you only live once." Let me be clear, that latter is my preferred path - it just feels a bit strange to realise that the work culture's changing and that things I once thought were true don't hold water anymore. At least that part of the trap is better now, though making money from writing remains damn difficult. 

Anyway, that's something of a tangent isn't it? Oops. 

I hope to bring you lots of exciting news of my life in Bournemouth in due course... 


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