
 Sorry for the short silence. I got caught up in the day job, and the weekend before last, went up to house sit for one of my exes in Wolverhampton. It was a pleasant weekend, though sadly a couple of friends I'd hoped to catch up with weren't available. I saw my ex's daughter and granddaughters, which was lovely. I also saw lots of the chihuahua and Manx cat (and apparently I have allergies to one or both of them, which sucks), who basically superglued themselves to me while I was there. I also met a new kitten, who was charming. I got some work done for my PhD stuff - at least in the sense of now knowing I don't want to reference Marie de France's work in my research - which means focusing on Charles Perrault's stories and got some basic research done for the divorce which I have to get rolling. I feel I'm ready to do that now, and to move onto something new, though I'm also scared of what the process is going to be like. 

I have to admit, by Sunday evening I was ready to come home. That was quite strange because for a long time I've assumed my move down to Bournemouth was temporary - that I would be here for a few years and then go back to the West Midlands - but the Midlands doesn't really feel like home anymore. Perhaps it would if I moved back, I don't know. For the moment, I want to focus on making my life here in Bournemouth the best it can be. 

Wolverhampton is a lovely place, one much neglected by the world, so it was lovely to see it get city status. I just don't want to live there anymore - or in Birmingham. I feel like my big city living days may be done. 


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