Scion Character: Conner McLugh, Scion of Lugh

 "You realise that's a really bad idea, right?"

Background: Conner wasn't born in the World but in part of the Terra Incognita. He grew up in a land of wonders, rubbing shoulders with the Fae, speaking with Leprechauns, and interacting with beings that had left the World behind long before. His life was normal until Lugh visited and told him the truth about his parentage, drafting him into the war against the Titans. 

Conner entered the World a few months after, once he'd undergone a crash course on what to expect. Despite that, he was left shocked by what he saw. He'd come from a land with no hunger, little sickness, and a supportive community that cared for everyone living there. He found the opposite in the World, even in places with the money to support all their citizens. Poverty lurked around every corner, as did illness. Sensing the Titans could use this as a weapon in their war against the Gods, he undertook to learn everything he could about medicine and became a Doctor before signing on with Medicins Sans Frontiers for a few years. This eventually led to him discovering a strain of ebola that the Titans had meddled with, making it more difficult to heal (this was directly linked to plague demons). 

Afterwards, he heard about an outbreak in the United States, travelling there to lend assistance, and soon ended up in New Orleans working in a small clinic. Soon after, he encountered Violet, and they hit it off - even becoming romantically involved. Conner soon joined the Band and acted as their medic. 

In his professional life, he moved to a post at the university six months ago and has recruited a team of medical personnel to help in his ongoing crusade to improve health provision. They also spend a lot of time fighting disease in the poorer areas of the city. These days he spends as much time in fundraisers and board meetings as he does in the clinics.

Fortunately, Lugh stops by every few weeks for some father-son time and they go out to get a drink (Lugh refuses to drink American beer, referring to it as a pig swill). Over the years, his advice has proved invaluable, helping Conner succeed in almost every part of his life (though he's learned going to Dad about his love life is usually a bad idea). 

Appearance: Conner is his father's son, red-haired, pale skinned and green-eyed. He's a lanky beanpole too, and gets lots of comments about needing to be fattened up by women old enough to be his Ma. 

As ever this character is free to play. You can download the character sheet here

This rounds out the Band (I still don't have a name for them), so I'll be writing about New Orleans in this version of Scion in a couple of weeks. After that, I'll probably switch cities and start on a new set of characters. 


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